Dental Implants.

Don’t miss out on the things you love.

Dental Implants in Bedford.

Do you have damaged or missing teeth? Get in touch with us today.

Over 1000 Implants successfully placed.

Implant 1

Replace a tooth.

We always hope that our teeth will last our entire life. However, this isn’t always the case. For a patient with damaged, failing or missing teeth, dental implants can offer a long-term replacement with a cosmetic effect that most of the time can’t be matched by alternative treatments. Implants also help preserve tooth-supporting bone that naturally deteriorates when a tooth is lost.

Book your free consultation today.

 An Implant is a titanium metal post that is placed into the bone.

During a precise surgical procedure, one or several implants are placed depending on the case.

As you heal from the treatment, the implant becomes embedded into the body over a few months as the device naturally fuses with the jawbone.

This fusing and healing process is what makes the implant such a strong base for a replacement crown

Benefits of an Implant

1. Very cost-effective considering their life span they can be the cheapest long-term solution. Remember, we are able to offer finance for dental implants which in many cases can bring the cost down to the same as a cup of coffee a day!

2. Natural look and comfortable feel.

3. Preservation of bone, which gradually resorbs when a tooth is displaced
. Improved facial and bone features.

4. Superior comfort in comparison to alternative treatments such as dentures

5. Improved ability to eat and chew.

6. High success rate

7. Long lasting and reliable

6 Stages of a Dental Implant


In Depth Consultation

To ascertain your suitability for dental implant treatment and make sure this a viable long lasting option.

Cone Beam CT Scan

A 3D x-ray to determine the availible bone for dental implant placement & plan implant placement safely.

Placement Appointment

This involves placing a titanium implant into the bone. This is generally easier than a tooth extraction and is pain free.


Suture removal

A short appointment 7-10 after the appointment where we check on you, how the tissues are healing and remove the stiches.

Implant Exposure

After a period of 2-3 months, the dental implant is exposed for the first time as it has been left to heal buried in the bone.

Digital Scan

A scan is then taken of the implant, this information is sent to the dental technician who makes a bespoke dental implant crown. 2 weeks later a porcelain crown is attached to the dental implant and secured by a screw.


We offer a wide range of different treatments for patients who have lost one or more teeth and wish to replace them. If you want a safe, natural-looking solution for missing teeth, dental implants can restore the look, feel and function of your teeth.

No mater how many teeth you wish to replace, or whether you would prefer a crown, bridge or denture our team can help give your the smile you deserve

“Dr Naidoo's workmanship was flawless. I am delighted with the implant.”

— Mr W. Smail

 Finance Available

0% interest free

We are pleased to offer 0% interest free finance to help spread the cost of dental treatment over £500 with monthly payments over 10 months.

Head over to our Fee Guide to find out more information.